Don Shepherd

Keyhole Canyon Petroglyphs and Creation Mythology

Keyhole Canyon is located about halfway between Las Vegas and Searchlight, outside the town of Nelson in the Eldorado Mountains. While it is unknown who carved the petroglyphs at Keyhole Canyon, scholars do agree that the Mohave, the Paiute, and the Anasazi/Pueblo were the main groups in the region thousands of years ago.

Grapevine Canyon Petroglyphs and Creation Mythology

Grapevine Canyon is located about five miles outside Laughlin at the base of Newberry Peak in the Newberry Mountains. For thousands of years, the Mojave Indians have called this their homeland. Although it is unknown whether the Mojaves created the panoply of rock art that adorns the cliff sides of what they call Avi-Kwame or Spirit Mountain, it is assumed that they or their Paleo-Indian/Desert Archaic ancestors conceived and fashioned the petroglyphs at the site.

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