Griff Durham

Nevada Saddlery Since 1870

With the arrival of the transcontinental railroad in 1868, vast areas of natural pasture in the Great Basin became attractive to California stockmen. The spectacular growth of the cattle industry in the early 1870s resulted in an expansion of the market for "riders' outfits" to supply stockmen and vaqueros, the overwhelming majority of whom had come from California and carried that state's Hispanic equestrian tradition into the Great Basin.

Nevada Rawhide Since 1870

The most important and widely practiced craft tradition introduced to the Great Basin by California stockmen was rawhide braiding. Much of the distinctive horse gear associated with Nevada buckaroos is made of this material (reatas, hobbles, hackamores, reins, and quirts). Unlike saddle making, rawhide braiding did not require an extensive tool kit or materials ordered from suppliers at a distance.

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