Eddie Brooks

Nevada Saddlery Since 1870

With the arrival of the transcontinental railroad in 1868, vast areas of natural pasture in the Great Basin became attractive to California stockmen. The spectacular growth of the cattle industry in the early 1870s resulted in an expansion of the market for "riders' outfits" to supply stockmen and vaqueros, the overwhelming majority of whom had come from California and carried that state's Hispanic equestrian tradition into the Great Basin.

Governor's Arts Awards Recipients

While traditional and folk arts are grounded in communities and accessible to all, there inevitably arise exemplary practitioners of any art form who take those traditions to new heights. All of these artists would practice their skills regardless of payment or recognition, and many of them would never think to call themselves artists. They do their work out of love, out of a deep need to express who they are and where they come from, and a talent honed over many years of practice and work.

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